Review: TopCV.Co.UK
  • Qualified Experts
  • Impressive services
  • High Quality Work
  • Affordable Pricing
  • 24/7 Customer Support


After checking the analysis of TopCV it is visible that the packages they are offering are too
costly and everyone can not afford their services! The overall score is 2/5 as the company needs
to work on its quality of content and structure of the resumes as well to become one of the
leading CV writing agencies.


A lot of people face trouble in writing their own CV. Generally, painting your own self in the curriculum vitae could be a lot like difficult and you may feel disappointed with the process. After all, a great resume is the only element that could help you in landing your choice of job but what if you aren’t able to do it well?

Obviously, you will miss the chance of getting your dream job and obviously you won’t like that to happen!

In order to avoid any inconvenience and to make sure that you get the golden access to your job, you may like to take the helping hand of online assistances and services that are available on internet. There are actually thousands of websites that are available on internet with the help of which you can get the assistance of expert writers and can get your resume written and that too in a professional way.

Here is a compiled review of another resume writing service with which you can come in contact if you need assistance and if you find their services useful. The company is TopCV, one of the most renowned and trusted resume writing service in town. If you are looking for some nice pricing and mid-level services then you may concern with the TopCV.

From the ordering to the payment process, you will have a great experience and you will find TopCV as one of the easiest websites available on the internet.

The company is having a great landing page and the simple design of the website makes the website easier to navigate. With faster loading speed and easy clicking, the website is having light color combination which features no heavy ads or graphics. The web designers have definitely infused some great ideas behind the development of the website. Usability and utility of the website has been the top priority of the company and you will surely enjoy the experience with the website.

Interactive and sleek visuals of the website:

The website of the company is a pure blend of light blue and dark blue color with a strike of white and blue. TopCV is trusted and top-rated CV writing service in UK however, you can avail their service right by sitting in any corner of the world. The website is simple and easy to navigate. The whole website emits trust, intelligence, and stability which is all enough to grab the attention of the visitor.

You can navigate through the whole website easily as it is having full featured landing pages and is having some light yet impressive graphics. You will find everything on the website easily because the website is super responsive. The website is having different sections; you can have a look at the cheap bundle offers, then you can go through the testimonials, then you can check the samples as well.

Navigation is quite easier:

CV services, about section, and FAQs can also be witnessed on the website. You will not find a big bunch of content on the website as the website is already explained in few words. The few pages on the website with an easy order placing method, your order would be placed in matter of minutes. The company has focused a lot on the maintenance of the website and you will find the website pretty responsive with a cooperative customer support center.

Here, the reviews and the testimonials of the clients matter a lot. You may check the reviews of the customers first and then can go for the placement of the order. The professional appearance of the website make it look so interactive but not the visuals are everything to go for! Top CV isn’t having some outstanding options of services on the website and you cannot rely them on the whole.


TopCV is one of the most trusted and well-known resume writing service in town that is offering 3 different resume writing packages. You can choose the one that suits you better in terms of expertise and levels.

Professional growth: Experienced CV just in £ 99
Career Evolution: Experienced CV + Cover Letter + 2 revisions just in £ 129
Executive Priority: Experienced CV + Cover Letter + LinkedIn just in £ 219

These packages are designed while keeping the budget a little high for the people. On a reflective note, these prices are a lot higher than any other competitive website and can turn out to be a lot like costly for so many users who don’t have a high budget.

Word and PDF formats are provided to the customers when the order is delivered completely. The customer is also provided with the career advice blogs and you may go for the free review of your CV. Resumes, cover letter, and LinkedIn profile writing is completed with ATS testing and keyword optimization.

The different packages of the pricing represent different levels of the careers. Let’s have a a look at it.

Professional growth package:

This bundle offers an expertly composed and streamlined CV for £99. You can make three installments as well. Bundle benefits include:

  • CV composition by specialists who are experts in the given industry.
  • Remarkable and basic alignment of experience in the industry’s consideration.
  • Optimization of your CV to go through the Applicant Tracking System

Career evolution package:

This package offers CV, Cover letter, and two revisions for £129. You will get,

  • CV writing by experts who are specialists in your industry
  • Unique and simple formatting that strikes the employer’s attention
  • Optimization of your CV to pass through the Applicant Tracking System
  • Cover letter writing, which gives your CV a more competitive advantage
  • This package promises a 60-day interview guarantees

Premium plus or executive package:

In this package, you get a highly optimized and well-structured written CV, cover letter, and LinkedIn profile and that too in £219. The benefits of this package are;

  • CV writing by executive writers who are skilled in the asked industry
  • Unique and straightforward formatting that could take the employer’s attention
  • Optimization of CV to pass through the ATS software
  • Cover letter writing, which gives your CV a more competitive advantage
  • This package promises a 60-day interview guarantee
  • LinkedIn profile writing that makes you stronger in the corporate world.


Using the services of TopCV via their website is pretty easy and clear. You only need to take some simple steps to place your order and you would be done with the placement of the order.

  • Select your desired package and upload your existing CV. The package you choose determines whether you would order only a CV, CV with a cover letter or CV with cover letter, and LinkedIn profile.
  • Then you would be matched with an expert CV writer who would deliver according to the requirements of your industry
  • You will receive your resume in Microsoft Word and PDF format. You can ask your assigned writer for revisions if you are satisfied with the copy sent to you.

The payment gateway of the website is secure and safe. TopCV is a legal and authenticated website for the purpose of CV writing. Your personal information would also be kept with the privacy and secrecy. The site offers PayPal and Credit/ Debit card payment. Click ‘order now’, fill the form, and place the order!


They offer career advices but you may not get the reply because they don’t reply on time. The most irritating feature is that they don’t have any professional writer or you can say experienced writer so that results in inappropriate content which leads to low based content writing in your resume. This is what is written in their reviews and testimonials.

Not only this, they are also producing a great number of packages including free CV critique service, allowing users to upload their present CV from experienced experts. These experts provide honest comments on your skills and work as they do recognize the skills as well as expertise of your CV which honestly is a great representation of their company. But the testimonials also show that they don’t show up right on time.


The website provides a lot of different ways of communication as for you to speak directly with management of the country. It provides us a highly-responsive live chat box through which user can get feedback instantly from your colleague. You can also communicate with your agent which is designated for proper chat and concerns of customers. That’s a great way of dealing with your costumers.

By using live chat box, you can get amazingly great response as it is very fast that you can get your answer in seconds. Their agents are really cooperative and knowledgeable and friendly. You can literally get your answer within seconds.

You can find numerous contact options on their page, such as their email address, one phone number, and a comment section where you can type about your inquiries and send them to customer support department. This is what the customer support and service is claimed by the website but reviews are negative in aspect of replies and answers from agents.


As per the reviews and testimonials, it has been claimed, the quality and the final draft is just found to be Ok. Their writers are not that much experienced so they cannot write a CV which can be read proficiently. Aside from all of this, TopCV reviews have also shown, the resumes weren’t even written properly that it can pass through ATS systems, it really may not be appealing to read for the recruiters as well. Another review of TopCV stated, there were too much use of complex sentences. As the CV was so hard to read, a person going for interview would surely not be able to clear the interview!


As far as the TopCV claims, they provide amazing feature of meeting the complex deadline. However, the reviews are highly indicating that the company lacks in delivering the customer with the quality content within the deadlines. This could be due to the excessive traffic on the website that sees an upward surge due to cheap pricing packages.


The pricing packages of TopCV are bit on the pricey side and you may find it heavy on your pocket. Also, as per the customer reviews, the company is not offering high quality and well-structured resume in such a high amount which would surely make you feel a big loss of money. If you are looking for the placement of order at TopCV then first check the reviews and get in contact with the customer support department. After making yourself satisfied, you may go for the placement of order!


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